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1月10日、治政館主催の『WINNERS 1st』のメインイベントで組まれたISKA世界ムエタイバンタム級王座決定戦で志朗はダニエル・マッグウォーンdaniel mcgowan(イギリス)を3-0の判定で破り、念願の世界王座を奪取した。

「どう攻めればよかったですか? ダニエルは前蹴りばかり。意外に首相撲が強かったので、ローを効かせていくしかなかった」



Shirou Outpoints Daniel to Take the ISKA International Championship Crown!

The January 10th main event of the WINNERS 1st put on by Jiseikan featured the ISKA International Muay Thai Crown Championship match pitting Shirou against the UK’s Daniel McGowan. Shirou’s dominant 3-0 decision win was a dream come true.
Donning his brand new champion belt on his way back to the dressing room, Shirou told his assistant Hiroyuki Otsuki, “I thought about my plan of attack. Daniel just kept coming at me with front kicks. The headlock was really pretty effective, so all I could do was just keep driving low.”
The “ISKA International Muay Thai Championship Match (January 10th, Korakuen Hall, Tokyo)” pitting #1 Daniel McGowan against #5 Shirou did not disappoint. In the first round, as Shirou’s low kicks punished his opponent’s lower body, Daniel’s front kicks created distance between the fighters, but the match was driven by the headlock.
ISKA International Title Matches are judged based on the ラウンドマスト方式 which requires that points are given no matter how much a round yoyos. This match must have been excruciating for the judges to decide, but from (my) vantage point Shirou’s low kick began to take its toll as the match wore on.
Hitting his opponent’s jaw with his head, knee kicks and other moves, there were moments when Daniel seemed to be in control of the fight, but the judges have to weigh damage over moves.
The definitive moment came during the fourth and fifth rounds when Shirou’s low kicks began overtaking Daniel. Even though he gave in, the tough 19-year-old from the UK did not wince once. Just like Shirou, Daniel ventured to Thailand as a boy and was the first foreign fighter signed on by Petchyindee, Thailand’s largest Muay Thai and boxing promoters.
As tenacious as Daniel is, his body finally gave in to the relentless low kicks. Even Shirou felt like he was fighting a completely different person.
“I think at the end of Round 1 he began to dread my low kick.”
At one point when Daniel went down, the referees determined that he had slipped, but from our seat on the media bench, we saw Shirou deliver a backward knee kick that dropped him.
The decision was 3-0 in favor of Shirou. The originally scheduled match pitted reigning champ Dean James against Shirou, but James had to relinquish his crown due to an injury. So the vacated spot had to be filled. It was a perfect outcome to a perfect match that ended in Shirou being crowned world champion and the dawn of the rest of his career. The alleviation seen on his face at the end of the match is evidence of that.
“But”, he says, “my ultimate goal lies in Muay Thai. I haven’t yet achieved my goal in Thailand. This year I want to return to Rajadamnern and Lumpinee where the highest caliber matchups are frequent and defeat a ranked fighter.”
Shirou’s commitment to himself to fight on is even stronger after taking the crown.


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